I was recently on the phone with one of my besties when she said, “I don’t think I’m psychic… I just hear God.
“Uh-huh,” I said in understanding.
Later it struck me how funny, and classic, that line was. I laughed to myself. I texted her: I’m sure… you’re not psychic, you just hear God. Will be quoting that a lot!
I knew what she meant at the time. It made total sense to me. I feel the same way. I hear God too.
I hear things I need to write. I used that in college. How else was I supposed to get through grad school?? I would put THEM – I usually refer to them as my “writer spirits”- on it when I had a paper due. When it was ready I would know. An almost silent timer would go off when the incubation was done. Then I could sit down and out it would come. I am doing that right now! I do that when I write prayers, or blessings for people’s services and rituals.
Lori Portka and I had talked about creating a children’s book, offering a spiritual truth in a kid-friendly way. Her colorful illustrations with my story. What story, we didn’t know. Then I was in the shower – the shower and the car are my top two places to hear God, and I’m a meditator… what’s that about?! So, I’m in the shower and I start to hear a chant, a little song… rhythmic, simple. Then it all unfolded. I knew who was chanting it, and who was hearing it. The whole thing was downloaded (LOL, have you seen this video – Shit New Age Girls Say ?). I jumped out of the shower and had to grab paper to write out the children’s story, complete with the little chant. Lori is illustrating it, and we hope it someday reaches your kiddies’ bookshelves!
I believe my writer spirits are messengers of the Divine. I believe I am hearing good ideas because they are God ideas. I believe we all have access to It… to Spirit, to Grace, to Love, to God. I heard James Taylor sing live once, and as soon as he started I thought, “God.” It made me tear up – and I’m not even a huge JT fan. Sometimes I read something that I wrote down and it makes me cry. I’d better toughen up or I’m going to be known as the crying minister!
You hear God too. I know you do. How? What are you doing when you hear/feel/see/know? What do you do with it?
I would LOVE to know. Please share.
In answer to your lovely post, I hear God/Goddess most clearly with I am surrounded by nature or animals and very often in my classroom at school when I take the time to listen closely to what children have to say.
“Bless the beasts and the children”….the song says. “They have no voice; they have no choice.”
I disagree with the “voice” part. Just kneel down and meet them face-to-face. Their wisdom will resonate to your very core. They carry messages: sometimes through their innocence; sometimes through their hurt and despair.
Oh my , how sweet!
Yikes! There’s a typo….please change “with” in the first sentence to “when.”
Oh yes, God likes to shower with me too. I even have a little waterproof pad and pencil set in the shower so I can scribble down His wisdom before it runs down the drain with the water. The number one place for heavenly discussions, however, is on a long distance run – I think it has to do with oxygenating the brain. And finally, cutting my lawn on my riding Snapper is prime time for little whisperings in my ear. Pad and pencil are difficult in both of those places, so I just have to scramble to remember. Thanks Lisa, for a wonderful post.
Thanks David for reading and adding your wit and Divine charm. <3
I think God helped me a lot with starting my new blog and writing for it. Whenever I started writing and would stall out I knew it was just me writing. But, when an idea would pop into my head and it would just flow I knew it was the Devine presence of God assisting me with it. I think God likes to work late at night because thats when all the ideas come to me.
I also believe like Thoreau and other Transcendentalists that God is in everything and everyone and that by simply walking into the outdoors and being encompassed by a sense of love, calmness and an understanding that everything is okay is actually the Devine presence of God. Thanks Lisa, for your post.
What a great blog