“Happiness is your nature.
It is not wrong to desire it.
What is wrong is seeking it outside … when it is inside.”
—Ramana Maharshi
1 on 1.
You and me.
A sacred session for guidance on your journey.
In these integrative coaching sessions I pull from my experience with energy psychology, art therapy, addiction counseling, seminary, yoga training and Life!
I combine all of that with a deep reverence for and connection to Spirit, the ultimate teacher and healer, to provide you with loving perspectives, tools for peaceful daily living and guidance for moving forward from where you are right now.
These sessions are integrative – of body, mind, emotion and Spirit.
The Spirit of Love (SoL), which is within and around us, is invited to be part of each session. I listen with an open mind and heart, not only to hear you but to hear those messengers of Spirit who may also wish to provide love and guidance throughout your session.
Energy psychology techniques – such as EFT or “tapping”, and EMDR, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing – and other somatic practices may come into play as we work to use the body’s energy system to release beliefs and patterns and effects of trauma that you no longer need to hold inside.
We’ll calm the emotions so that you are no longer dragged under by their currents, and put the mind back in its place of service to you and your heart’s desires.
By the time we are finished, you’ll have a fresh outlook, with tools for keeping yourself centered and on track, and a plan to move forward into a life you love.
A SoL Session is not a substitute for clinical psychotherapy or medical treatment, but rather a form of spiritual guidance & support — with the healing coming through intuitive channels and based greatly on your openness and willingness to change.
I would recommend a SoL Session if you…
- feel unsure of your next step on the way to happiness
- have been ill with no explanation and little relief
- wish to reduce anxiety, stress or worry
- want to improve your primary relationship(s)
- feel stuck or blocked right now
- want to move on but don’t know how
- really are sick and tired of feeling, well, sick and tired
$150 for one hour
What can we accomplish in an hour? Here are some ideas:
- You can learn EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, or “tapping”)
- You can get my perspective on a relationship issue or concern
- I can teach you a simple form of meditation that you will be able to easily incorporate in your life for peace and calming
- I can help you identify the thought pattern that is causing you the most stress and suggest ways to let it go
- We can see if we are a fit for deeper work, and if you decide to continue sessions the fee can be applied to a package
$500 for a 4 session package
- In 4 sessions we can address a specific area of your life where you would like to create change. You will feel a difference and have a new outlook after this package. We can meet weekly or spread sessions out further as your schedule allows.
With my trusty webcam and the magic of Zoom I can see you wherever you are!

You may not know me or my work yet, so here is what some people who do have said…
“I wanted to take a moment to say that I have such incredible gratitude for you, the work that you do, the divinity through which you travel/mediate, the physical/emotional/spiritual labor that requires, and the package that you are. The impact you’ve made in my life over the past four years is staggering. It’s pretty amazing. Four years ago, I don’t think I would have ever imagined being on a path to not just functionality, but something more than that. I know there is still much work to do. By believing in you, I have started to believe it’s possible. Inevitable, even… I really appreciate the way you talk to me. It’s as if you’re speaking in a voice I recognize as my own, but with the wisdom and perspective I have yet to learn. I recognize this as part of your gift, and what a gift to everyone you work with…” – an email from a client
“Rev. Lisa is a teacher of love and source. She is like the river guide bringing you back to the source within your heart.” – Saraswati Om
“I met with Lisa after a sudden life-changing loss. She guided me through the immediate trauma and has continued to help me make sense of the many challenges in my unfamiliar new life. Lisa has the ability of dissecting a complicated issue into manageable pieces, which generally leads to the root of the issue. She is also adept at identifying self-limiting thought patterns and presenting a more empowering way of looking at things.” – Francine
“Lisa as a spiritual leader is smart, sweet, gentle yet quietly forceful, full of genuineness. She truly makes anyone want to be their best.” – MaryJo
“The work I have done with Lisa never ceases to amaze me. The results have unraveled over time, but I have no doubt the work we have done has improved the quality of my marriage and my career. The work is directly responsible for changing patterns of belief, thinking and acting that I have tried to change before through traditional means.” – Amanda
“Lisa radiates love, light and acceptance! She truly shares her divine light with all who she comes into contact with.” – Melanie May
“My sessions with Lisa have been life changing. I have now been able to move on with my life as Lisa continues to help me help myself. I have never experienced a counselor who can get to the very root of problems and concerns as she is able to do. She has a true gift for listening and knowing exactly what it is that I need each time I have a session with her. I feel my stress melt away and am filled with a peace like nothing I ever have experienced before. LIFE CHANGING.” – a Client
“Thank you Lisa, for helping me to understand my childhood, so that I could bring more love to my marriage.” – Barbara
“Lisa was able to help me identify and unearth the heart of my underlying insecurities, anxieties, and previous emotional traumas. I highly doubt I would have found resolution on my own. By identifying them and helping me work through them she has helped me be a better, happier, more solid me. Lisa is kind but firm, down to earth, and supportive. She sees potential in you even when you can’t.” – Billiejo
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